Friday 26 December 2014

Happy 2015!

Hey Guys!

 Before I go to be I'll make one more post. This will probably be the last post for the year, as I'm off on a trip for the end of 2014, which will lead into January 2015.

 Here's what Lucy (my Sigfig) and I have to say...

HAPPY 2015!!!

 See you next year!

 Spinj (And Lucy xoxo)

A Very Merry LEGO Christmas!

Hello Everyone! :D

 How are you all? Did you have a good Christmas? Anyone unwrap an LEGO in their presents?

 Well, I myself had a very good Christmas! Yes, it was rather quiet, but definitely very merry! My favourite part of the day was when my brother and I yelled "Merry Christmas!" at every random person who walked past our house.  My favourite part of the day was when my brothers and I watched The LEGO Movie.

 That's right, The LEGO Movie! It was one of the five presents I got this year, and was sent by my Cousin Carmen. I also got Brick Shakespeare, and it's really inspiring to read them! Here are some photos:

 When I opened them I was like "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!"

 Well, after that we'd opened the presents and had breakfast, I went a little OTT with LEGO related activities. Getting both of those as presents was so inspiring that I had trouble waiting for people to finish opening their own presents!
 So as soon as I had the chance I decorated my very old LEGO Creator house set, and made a sigfig for myself, my brothers and my parents. Here are some photos of the house:

 For above, from left to right: Me, Brother (Gabriel), Brother (Arden), Baby (Irving), Dad and Mum.

I spent a while making these, and very proudly showed them to my parents and brothers. They quite liked it.

Then after lunch I turned The Fold into LEGO Minifigs! I sent an email to them with the photos attached, and I got a reply 13 minutes later. Here are The LEGO Fold:

 From Left to Right: Dan, George, Matt and Mark - the four guys who make The Fold!

   Then after the LEGO Movie (We accidentally got a funny screenshot of some S.W.A.T Robots attempting to pull of Emmet's head in the Cloud Cuckoo Land scene when the computer was bumped XD), and near dinner time my Sifig gave me her Brickphone, with instructions to upload the photos  and told me about The LEGO Movie Party that Bricksworth City (her home town) was hosting. OK, I'll hand the keyboard to Lucy (my Sigfig) now!

Hey All! It's me, Lucy, Spinj's Sigifig. ;P

 Well, a few days before Christmas I had been invited to The LEGO Movie party that Bricksworth City (my home town, for those who don't know) was holding, because of my title 'Nerd of Ninjago'. It was a really big event, and it was such an honor to be invited!
 After spending most of Christmas Day withmy  parents and brothers at our home on Studd Street I headed headed down to the Bricksworth City Hall. It had been decorated, and was very different from what I usually see!
 I quickly spied Emmet and Wyldstyle coming up the street faster than you can say 'Ninja - GO!", and asked them for a photo (picture 1). They were very happy too, and I was very happy.
 An hour later the party had officially started, and I saw Emmet and Wyldstyle, now in their nice party clothes. I had changed too, and decided to get another photo (picture 2)! Of course, they were happy to have another one with me. A minute later I spotted Mermaid and Cleopatra, and asked for another photo (picture 3).
Towards the end of the party (which was three hours later, after I had chatted to loads of people) I spotted another character - Scribbleface Badcop! We had a chat and had a photo (picture 4). Then Badcop, because he had his phone, asked if we could do a selfie. You can bet I was excited and delighted, and said yes. After we had the selfie he asked for my number so that he could text me the photo(picture 5).

  Well, you can bet I was totally excited! When the party finally ended I got out of my nice dress, putting on my other clothes, and then I spotted someone I had not been expecting to see - Dan Castady, lead singer of The Fold, who made songs for my favourite TV series, Lego Ninjago!!I stopped him, said hi, and asked for a photo. We had one (picture 6) and then Dan called over his brother, George Castady, who was The Fold's lead guitarist. We had one last photo (picture 7), and then I headed back to Studd Street, my phone full of photos of all the celebrities I'd met, and I could hardly wait to tell my family and Spinj what had happened - it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!
  Meanwhile, earlier, about five minutes before the party had started, my younger Sigfig brother Arden had run down to the hall. To his excitement he saw Benny, Unikitty, Wyldstyle and Emmet. He asked them if he could have a photo, but said he didn't have a mobile. Wyldstyle told him not to worry, and asked Mermaid (who had walked past) to take it on her own graffiti-covered Brickphone. Mermaid took the photo (picture 8) and asked Sigfig Arden whose number she should send it to. Sigfig Arden gave them his mum's number, had a chat to Benny, thanked them and said goodbye, and ran down the street, unable to walk after meeting most of the main characters. When he told me what had happened I was so surprised!

 Yeah, so, it was like totally awesome! Anyway, what did you all get for Christmas? I got some new wheels for my roller blades, and that was really useful as one of them broke last month, and I still don't know why it did.

 Spinj's trying to get me off, so I'll go now. She's going to post up the photos now that were on my phone. Bye! :D

Hey! I'm back. :) Sorry, Lucy likes to talk. She gets it from me. :)  :P Here are the photos she wanted me to upload:

 So that was our (mine and Lucy's) Christmas! :D A very enjoyable one, and certainly pleasant.

 I must go now, it's 10:14 PM, and I'm seeing Big Hero 6 tomorrow (27th) - and after waking up at 5am twice in a row, both today and yesterday, I'm ready for an 'early' night.

  Don't forget to vote for your favourite LEGO set in the polls!

 Catch y'all later!


Thursday 11 December 2014

New Chapter!!

Hey all!

 Chapter Six: Busy Bodies from Rise of the Nerds has been put up! Characters in this chapter are as follows:

  •  Sissyloo1
  •  A_Grue
  •  Lucy (myself)
  •  Andybrick
  •  GNGF (Greenninjsgirlfriend)
  •  WindWaker
  •  Ehinching
  •  GoldNinjaM

I  hope you enjoy this chapter, and I plan to have a new one up for you soon!!

Over and out!


Monday 8 December 2014

New Chapter!

Hey all!

 Chapter Five from Rise of the Nerds has just been written up on the LEGO Stories page! You can find it here.

 Characters in this chapter are Lucy (Me) and SkellyvonSkeleton.

Hope you enjoy!


Spaceship spaceship SPACESHIP!

Hey diddle doe!! :D How are you all? Are you good? Feeling sprightly?

 So, a few days ago it was my brother's birthday, and he got Benny's Spaceship as one of his birthday presents. He was very excited with it and extremely pleased too.

 It took him about three days to build it, which wasn't too bad. Here are some of the photos I took of it:


My brother says: "It gives you a surprise when the big spaceship fires the banana cannons [the yellow things that fire across the room. :P]. The little black spacecraft has two jets, but the spaceship has a lot more jets.
 "I really like how the banana cannons are hidden in the spaceship's wings."

I'll write up a chapter or two of Rise of the Nerds now.

 Over and Out!
