Monday 31 August 2015

LEGO Ninjago Fliers

Hello everyone one!!

 Yesterday was a very exciting day for me and my brothers! We got permission from out parents to buy a Ninjago Flier each. We hadn't got a LEGO set since the beginning to the year (Cloud Cuckoo Palace) because our baby brother was trying to eat small things, but now it's safe to do so!

 So my brothers got the Kai and the Zane Fliers, and I got the Morro Flier. We built them the minute we got home.

 I quite enjoyed building them, the instructions were easy to read. It took about 15 minutes to build.

 I like the Morro minifigure best, he's pretty awesome! I was told that he glowed in the dark, and was pretty disappointed when he didn't.  But oh well!

 I'm saving up for the "Last Flight of the Destiny’s Bounty" set now! I can't wait, it'll be my first time to get a LEGO ship... :3

 OK, logging off now, I have to do school work!

Monday 24 August 2015

Skulduggery Pleasant Minifigures

Hello all!

 So some of you may have seen these photos already on my G+ page, but I'm also decided to post the on here...

 Have many of heard of or read the Skulduggery Pleasant book series by Derek Landy? They're pretty awesome, and they're about a Skeleton Detective and his companion. The series is set in Dublin.

 It's one of my favourite book series, and since we opened the LEGO Box again yesterday I decided to make Skulduggery and Valkyrie as LEGO Minifigs. The pictures aren't the best because I took them on the iPad and it's camera sucks, so please excuse their quality.

 Yeah, so, those are my photos! Skulduggery is obviously the skeleton, and Valkyrie is the girl. Valkyrie's hair isn't quite what I was  hoping for, but it's the only long black hair piece that we have, and that said my brother wasn't too pleased about letting me borrow it for a few minutes.

 I'll be looking up some LEGO News and updates tomorrow at lunch time, to see if there's anything new happening. So bear with me and we'll have something new soon!

 Catch you all soon!

Sorry guys!

Hello everyone,

 just want to say sorry for abandoning this blog! I've been busy with Spinj's Space and school work, plus I'm getting ready for Uni next year so that also adds to it.

 I'll start posting up on here again soon!
