Thursday 22 January 2015

More LEGO Elves Sets!

Hey All!

I just found some more LEGO Elves sets! They are:

  • Aira's Pegasus Sleigh
  • Skyra’s Mysterious Sky Castle
There are no pictures yet, but I did find the price for both sets.

Aira's Pegasus Sleigh: GBP 34.99, AUD 64.49, USD 52.98
Skyra's  Mysterious Sky Castle: GBP 74.99, AUD 140.43, USD 113.53

I am yet to find out who Skyra is, although I have an idea that she might be the queen/princess of the Elves who has some sort of lock that the Elves' keys unlock in order for Emily to get back home.

Well, I'll keep an eye out for the pictures of the sets - when I find some, I'll let you know!

Over and out!

Cloud Cuckoo Palace

Hey all!

 So, remember how I told you it was my birthday last week? Well, I got some birthday money, and after looking through tons of shops and deciding not to buy the Batman T-shirt, I bought... Cloud Cuckoo Palace!

Yup! It was $30 dollars, so I had to use some of my pocket money to buy it, but I'm very pleased with the set. :D *Jumps about like Unikitty*

 It's a pretty good size for a set. Not too big, and not too small either. It fits comfortably on the last bit of clear shelf that I have. :P My shelf is so full of LEGO its crazy.

Colours are nice too - very bright and cheery. The way it's built is nice, it certainly reminds me of clouds!

It was easy to build, and the instructions were easy to read. Took about 30-40 minutes to build.

Here are some photos:

I'm really pleased with the set, it's our second LEGO Movie set!

So, what would you like me to post about next - LEGO Jurassic Park or LEGO Scooby Doo? Let me know in the comments!

And don't forget to vote for your favourite LEGO set in the polls!

Over and Out!

Monday 19 January 2015

LEGO Elves

Hey all!

 How are you? :D Good? That's awesome. ;)

 I'm sorry about not getting this up on Thursday like I said, I was really busy and my parents have made a 'no computer on the weekend' rule.

OK, so, today's post is about... LEGO Elves! :D Yup, that's right!

The theme is set to be released in March, however it probably won't be out until mid-late March.

It has six sets: Aira's Creative Workshop, Naida's Spa Secret, Naida's Epic Adventure Ship, Azari and the Magical Bakery, The Elves' Treetop Hideaway, and Farran and the Crystal Hollow.  All the Elves appear at least twice in the theme, but Emily only appears once in the theme in the Treetop Hideaway. Johnny Baker also appears once, in the Magical Bakery.

There are six characters in the theme. There is Aira the Air Elf, Naida the Water Elf, Azari the Fire Elf, Farren the Earth Elf and Emily Jones.

It's not known how many pieces the Biggest set has, but it would be close to, if not over, 700. The smallest has around 70.

 The theme is aimed at girls, but quite a few guys are also interested in the theme - mainly for the bricks. And it is true that, unlike the previous themes for girls, there is a lot less pink in the sets.

LEGO has set up a LEGO Elves teaser page, which will be fully updated in March.

Fun fact: I have done my hair the same way that Aira does hers, and it's my favourite hairdo.

So, that's some stuff on the LEGO Elves theme! I had better go now. ;)

Catch you all later!

Tuesday 13 January 2015


Hey all! :D Spinj's Back! :D

 How are you all? Are you still enjoying Holidays? I have a sun burnt back at the moment from spending too much time in the swimming pool. XP

 Well, I thought that today's post should be about BIONICLEs! It's a well loved theme, and I'm so glad it's came back! Did any of you read the BIONICLE books when you were younger? I did, and my three favorite characters were Gali, Lewa and Tahu.

 The theme's global release date was January 1, however that may mean that the theme has probably been on shelves for about a week. I think it's coming out in Australia some time in February, so I'll have to wait one month before I can buy them.

 I think that this is meant to be a Reboot season, so all that happened before it was discontinued never happened. It's a little disappointing, but hopefully the Reboot is good.

 Here's the Legend of BIONICLE:

 Many thousands of years ago...
 The island of Okoto was a place of peace, where villagers lived in harmony with each other and their world. Two brothers, Ekimu and Makuta, used the natural elemental forces of the island to forge masks for the Protectors. The villagers used their masks to shape the island to suit their needs.

 Ekimu wore the Mask of Creation, and Makuta the Mask of Control. But when the villagers come to value Ekimu's masks more, Makuta grew jealous. Defying all wisdom, he attempted to make the most powerful mask ever. When this experiment threatened the entire island, Ekimu managed to knock the mask off his brother's face, resulting in a huge explosion. Both brothers were knocked unconscious for thousands of years and their masks scattered all over the island...

 Six brightly coloured comets have crashed on Okoto. From their midst come six mighty heroes, the Toa. These beings are foretold in Protector legend, who are destined to free the island from darkness.

 Okoto has been overrun by skull spiders, dangerous beasts that only the Toa can hope to defeat. Accompanied by the Protectors, the Toa go on a quest to find the Masks of Power. These masks are the key to unlocking the Toa's fighting potential.

 Even with the masks, can the Toa hope to stop not only a horde of terrible foes but their leader, the monstrous Lord of The Skull Spiders? And if they fall, waht hope can be left for Okoto and it's people?

 The first mission of this Toa team may well be it's last...

The Toa are:
 Kopaka, the Ice Toa.  He is noble and reserved, and has a very strict moral code. He believes that everything he does must be perfect from the start, and he puts a lot of pressure on himself. Because of that he can sometimes come across as being Cold to others.

 Gali, the Water Toa. She is generally friendly and peaceful, but when her friends are threatened, then watch out! she becomes as fierce as the raging ocean. She also hates injustice, and is the most liked member of the team.

Pohatu, the Stone Toa. The toughest of the heroes, he is unyielding,  fearless, and his stamina is second to none. He often takes lead when exploring or advancing into dangerous areas. He can be extremely stubborn, and that leads him to butt heads with Tahu and Kopaka.

Tahu, the Fire Toa. Hot headed and brave, he likes to think of himself as the most heroic of the group. This can lead him into trouble, but he seems to be naturally lucky, and always winds up on top.

Lewa, the Jungle Toa. He is a fast talking, "rush in first, ask questions later" daredevil who often gets into trouble with his attitude. His carefree way of life both endears him to his team mates and drives them crazy at the same time.

Onua, the Earth Toa. He is wise, grounded, and likes to meditate under the stars in his spare time - although he has been known to fall asleep while doing it! He doesn't talk much, but when he does, his teammates know to listen to him.

 And those are the six Heroes! :D I've wondered why they have an Earth Toa and a Stone Toa (Stone and Earth are pretty much the same to me) but I suppose there was a reason for having two similar elements...
 Here's a poster for you:

 On Thursday I'll post about the new Elves theme. :) I'm really looking forward to it. I think it's the first theme aimed at girls that has a male character in the first lot of sets. And I can't wait to get Aira's purple hair. :3 :P

 Well, it's my birthday tomorrow (I'll be 15!) and while there isn't much to be prepared, there is still stuff to do. Hopefully I'll get some LEGO in my presents!

 See ya soon! :D