Thursday 22 January 2015

Cloud Cuckoo Palace

Hey all!

 So, remember how I told you it was my birthday last week? Well, I got some birthday money, and after looking through tons of shops and deciding not to buy the Batman T-shirt, I bought... Cloud Cuckoo Palace!

Yup! It was $30 dollars, so I had to use some of my pocket money to buy it, but I'm very pleased with the set. :D *Jumps about like Unikitty*

 It's a pretty good size for a set. Not too big, and not too small either. It fits comfortably on the last bit of clear shelf that I have. :P My shelf is so full of LEGO its crazy.

Colours are nice too - very bright and cheery. The way it's built is nice, it certainly reminds me of clouds!

It was easy to build, and the instructions were easy to read. Took about 30-40 minutes to build.

Here are some photos:

I'm really pleased with the set, it's our second LEGO Movie set!

So, what would you like me to post about next - LEGO Jurassic Park or LEGO Scooby Doo? Let me know in the comments!

And don't forget to vote for your favourite LEGO set in the polls!

Over and Out!

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