Sunday 19 October 2014

A Harp

Hey everyone! :D

 So in my last post I said that when the weekend comes, I'll tell you why I wasn't posting.
 Well, it's Sunday now, so it's time I told you why!

 So, first week of Holidays (three weeks ago), I got sick. :( I spent most of Wednesday  and some of Thursday in bed. Because I was sick I wasn't allowed to use to computer too much, so that meant no blogging.

 Second week of Holidays I went to a special workshop, where we all got to make Harps! It started on Thursday, and went until Tuesday. Then Wednesday was my free day, and I posted up my LEGO Drawings post, plus a chapter of RotN. Then Thursday and Friday was spent at a Uni, which was holding a "Come and join in with the classes" sort of day.

 So, here are some photos of the Harp:

 1. My sigfig waving while she stands on the harp.

 2. Plucking one of the 'C' strings.

 3. Plucking the 'D' string.

 4. Look! My sigfig climbed to the top of the harp!

5. Ooh, somehow my sigfig managed to find a place between the pegs to sit... 

 So that's the Harp I made! I'm very pleased with it, it came out nicely, but it took a lot of hard work! Apparently the Harp Fairy also did a little work on my Harp... :P

 Well, I'll see you all later!

 Keep on Building!


P.S There are 10 days left to vote for you favourite LEGO Ninjago Ninja! Vote before time runs out!

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