Monday 29 September 2014

All things Ninjago

Hey LEGO fans! ^-^

 Today's post is about all things Ninjago! :D

 So I've done a bit of researching about next year's Ninjago sets. I had found some set images that had been leaked, but I forget to bookmark the page. This is probably old news for those who are very active when it comes to researching Ninjago, but I do have a list of the sets, and it looks like next year's theme is full of more Serpentine: apparently it's mainly Anacondrai!

 I found this list on BrickUltra:

  •  Anacondrai Crusher (70745) – $39.99
  •  Anacondrai Copter Attack (70746) – $49.99
  • Cole’s Boulder Blaster (70747) – $49.99 
  • Titanium Dragon (70748) – $79.99
  • Temple of Anacondrai (70749) – $99.99 
  • Mobile Ninja Base (70750) – Unknown Price
  • Unknown Set (70751) – Unknown Price
  • Jungle Trap (70752) – $12.99
  • Lava Falls (70753) – $14.99
  • Jay’s ElectroMech (70754) – $29.99
  • Lloyd’s Jungle Raider (70755) – $39.99
  I can't wait for these to come out (although first I need to get Battle For Ninjago City! :P)! The Titanium Dragon sounds really cool, and I must get Lloyd's Jungle Raider. :3

 You've also probably heard that there's a new Ninja in Ninjago next year! I heard a theory that it's the Yellow Ninja, although I was thinking that Orange might make sense if LEGO is going for bright colours.

 Well, now for some Ninjago art.
 Below are some of my Ninjago drawings:

Kai and Nya from the Stone Army series. Kai's head doesn't look the best.

A picture inspired by listening to After the Blackout by The Fold. I thought that Cole suited the line "Don't mess with Ninjago cuz we'll get you every time".

A picture of Lloyd that I drew for a Ninjago Fanfiction I was thinking about writing.

I got bored one day, and there was a pen nearby, and I decided to write on my hand.

 A drawing of Lloyd from last year.

And a drawing of Techno Lloyd that I drew around the middle of the year. I think that it is, by far, the best manga version of Lloyd that I've done so far.

 Well, I'll see what more I can scoop up about the new series.

 Keep on building!! :D


Rise of the Nerds: Chapter Two is up!

Hello LEGO Nerds! :D

 How are you all? :D

 Well, Chapter two from Rise of the Nerds is up! :D A few new characters have been introduced:

  •  MasterOshawott (also known as MO. She's one of the most famous people on the Message Boards)
  •  LegendZeldaWindWaker10, The Nerd of the Celestial Paintbrush. She was a great friend of mine on the LMBs. Sadly, she went inactive when I returned for a while.
  •  Abbeadventerous14 (aka Abbe). She's Nerd of the Ninja and President of the Secret Sister Society.
  •  AlbertMC (aka MC). If I remember correctly, he's Nerd of the Black Holes. He has a pet ferret called Joe, and let me join the Undercover Brothers as a Tomboy, meaning that I opened a new section of the UB - the Undercover Tomboys.

Hopefully you like the this chapter. ;)

Build On!!


Sunday 28 September 2014

LEGO photos

Hey LEGO fans! :D

 I checked out with my brothers a few days ago, and we were so excited when we saw that the LEGO Bionicle page was back! :D We clicked it, and it came up with one of the golden masks. I can't wait for the page to be complete. @_@ I wonder if the characters will be the same as the old ones...

 Well, I've been messing around with my minifigs, and my sigfig was lucky enough to meet the Gold Ninja! Here are some photos:

 Look, it's me and Lloyd! :D

 Having a hug with the Golden Ninja.

 Shaking hands before going separate ways. Lloyd promised to tell me when the other Ninja are in town (They're all on a mission at the moment :P).

 Shortly afterwards a new minifigure suddenly appeared. It seems like Emmet has decided to go down an unusual path. EVERYONE RUN, EMMET HAS A SPLURGE GUN!!!

Well, I must go, I have a concert thing to go to. I'll have another chapter of Rise of the Nerds up soon, and My next post might be revolving around Ninja... *hint hint*.

 Speaking of Ninja, go to the side bar and vote for your favourite Ninjago Ninja! Lloyd currently has 1 vote.

Keep on building! :D


Friday 26 September 2014

Chapter 1 from Rise of the Nerds is up!

Hello LEGO fans!

 I've just posted up chapter One from "Rise of the Nerds" onto the Stories page! The current characters are:

  •  Lucy_Fu (me)
  •  MineHappyGarm, aka Garmy (one of my friends)
  •  Random User (I have no idea who they are. :P I just made them up :P)
 Like I said in my first post, "Rise of the Nerds" is a story about the LEGO Message Boards. ;)

 I hope you like the story, and remember to keep an eye out for more chapters!

 Keep on building!


Tuesday 23 September 2014


Hey everyone! :D

 Well, after much debating, I decided to use Option 4 for my sigfig. So until I get around to finding the right pieces for a sigfig that actually looks like me I'll be using that one! :D

 It turns out that the LEGO Minifigure series 14 has came out!! :D Several people in the U.S. had posted some pictures of the minifigures they had got onto Google+, and they looked pretty awesome! I found a list of the names for the minifigures:

  • Battle Goddess
  • Dino Tracker
  • Fairytale Princess
  • Genie Girl
  • Hun Warrior
  • Jester
  • Lifeguard
  • Piggy Guy
  • Pizza Delivery Man
  • Prospector
  • Rock Star
  • Space Miner
  • Spooky Girl
  • Swashbuckler
  • Video Game Guy
  • Wizard
I can't wait to get them!! I'm really looking forward to getting the Battle Goddess, Jester, Swashbuckler and Video Game Guy. I hope they are coming out in Australia soon. I'd better check the shops today!

 Well, I need to go, I have to leave in an hour to go to my Singing class, then I'm off busking. Perhaps I'll be lucky and the Minifigure Series 12 will be in the shops here in Australia!

 Build On! :D


Monday 22 September 2014


Heya LEGO fans! :D

 So, at the beginning of the month, I went to a poetry workshop. We were given a task: write a poem about the most important thing in your bedroom.
 So after thinking for three minutes, I decided to write a poem about my LEGO, because it's always in my bedroom.

 Here's the poem:


  My LEGO sits in an old, blue trunk.
  It's a wonderful mess of colours.
  A wonderful mess of bricks.
  It's hard, plastic sides are strong.
  It's crashing, shhing sound is loud.
  The bricks are painful underfoot.
  The bricks are hard on the hand.

  The houses sit in rows,
  The cars are parked in lines.
  The minifigures stand in columns.
  It's a hard, plastic world of LEGO.

  Yup, so that's my LEGO poem. ^-^

 Well, I'll see you all later!

 Brick on! :D


Sunday 21 September 2014

Sigfig problems


 So, as a good LEGO blogger knows, it is necessary to have a sigfig. They are useful in posts, videos, anything.

 But I have this problem. I have trouble settling on a look for my sigfig. There are too many different, cool looks, but unfortunately I don't have the right pieces for all of them, eg I won't be able to make a sigfig the same as the one I have on the LEGO Message Boards.

 So I've taken photos of the five looks I like the best:

Option 1: A more boyish outfit. I suppose it brings out the tomboy side of me.

Option 2: A slightly girlish sigfig.

Option 3: The female girl agent version of me. 

Option 4: The rough-and-tumble but girlish me (much more what I look like.)

Option 5: An even girlier version for the sigfig

 So decisions have been a problem for me. I like each version, but it's hard to pick one that suits me. 
 If you think that one seems better than the other, then comment which one it is. ;)

 I'll be posting up some other cool stuff soon.

 Keep on building!


Welcome to Spinj's LEGO Blog!

Hallo, and Welcome to Spinj's LEGO Blog!! :D

 I'm Unicornmagic, better known to some as Lucy_Fu (google+ name is LucyFu Garmadon) or Spinj, my nickname.

 I'll be posting updates on here to do with LEGO, plus some chapters from the LEGO fanfictions I write. To get the blog up and running, I've put up the prologue of "Rise of the Nerds" up. It's based off the LEGO Message Boards. ;)

 Well, enjoy the LEGO stuff I post on here!

 Brick on!
