Monday 22 September 2014


Heya LEGO fans! :D

 So, at the beginning of the month, I went to a poetry workshop. We were given a task: write a poem about the most important thing in your bedroom.
 So after thinking for three minutes, I decided to write a poem about my LEGO, because it's always in my bedroom.

 Here's the poem:


  My LEGO sits in an old, blue trunk.
  It's a wonderful mess of colours.
  A wonderful mess of bricks.
  It's hard, plastic sides are strong.
  It's crashing, shhing sound is loud.
  The bricks are painful underfoot.
  The bricks are hard on the hand.

  The houses sit in rows,
  The cars are parked in lines.
  The minifigures stand in columns.
  It's a hard, plastic world of LEGO.

  Yup, so that's my LEGO poem. ^-^

 Well, I'll see you all later!

 Brick on! :D


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