Sunday 21 September 2014

Sigfig problems


 So, as a good LEGO blogger knows, it is necessary to have a sigfig. They are useful in posts, videos, anything.

 But I have this problem. I have trouble settling on a look for my sigfig. There are too many different, cool looks, but unfortunately I don't have the right pieces for all of them, eg I won't be able to make a sigfig the same as the one I have on the LEGO Message Boards.

 So I've taken photos of the five looks I like the best:

Option 1: A more boyish outfit. I suppose it brings out the tomboy side of me.

Option 2: A slightly girlish sigfig.

Option 3: The female girl agent version of me. 

Option 4: The rough-and-tumble but girlish me (much more what I look like.)

Option 5: An even girlier version for the sigfig

 So decisions have been a problem for me. I like each version, but it's hard to pick one that suits me. 
 If you think that one seems better than the other, then comment which one it is. ;)

 I'll be posting up some other cool stuff soon.

 Keep on building!


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