Monday 29 September 2014

Rise of the Nerds: Chapter Two is up!

Hello LEGO Nerds! :D

 How are you all? :D

 Well, Chapter two from Rise of the Nerds is up! :D A few new characters have been introduced:

  •  MasterOshawott (also known as MO. She's one of the most famous people on the Message Boards)
  •  LegendZeldaWindWaker10, The Nerd of the Celestial Paintbrush. She was a great friend of mine on the LMBs. Sadly, she went inactive when I returned for a while.
  •  Abbeadventerous14 (aka Abbe). She's Nerd of the Ninja and President of the Secret Sister Society.
  •  AlbertMC (aka MC). If I remember correctly, he's Nerd of the Black Holes. He has a pet ferret called Joe, and let me join the Undercover Brothers as a Tomboy, meaning that I opened a new section of the UB - the Undercover Tomboys.

Hopefully you like the this chapter. ;)

Build On!!


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