Tuesday 23 September 2014


Hey everyone! :D

 Well, after much debating, I decided to use Option 4 for my sigfig. So until I get around to finding the right pieces for a sigfig that actually looks like me I'll be using that one! :D

 It turns out that the LEGO Minifigure series 14 has came out!! :D Several people in the U.S. had posted some pictures of the minifigures they had got onto Google+, and they looked pretty awesome! I found a list of the names for the minifigures:

  • Battle Goddess
  • Dino Tracker
  • Fairytale Princess
  • Genie Girl
  • Hun Warrior
  • Jester
  • Lifeguard
  • Piggy Guy
  • Pizza Delivery Man
  • Prospector
  • Rock Star
  • Space Miner
  • Spooky Girl
  • Swashbuckler
  • Video Game Guy
  • Wizard
I can't wait to get them!! I'm really looking forward to getting the Battle Goddess, Jester, Swashbuckler and Video Game Guy. I hope they are coming out in Australia soon. I'd better check the shops today!

 Well, I need to go, I have to leave in an hour to go to my Singing class, then I'm off busking. Perhaps I'll be lucky and the Minifigure Series 12 will be in the shops here in Australia!

 Build On! :D


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